About Yew Kwang

Unraveling the narrative of my journey into photography never fails to pique the interest of those I encounter. Beginning my career in engineering and dedicating seven years to the profession, it took a transformative moment to steer me towards a new path. The catalyst? A growing sense of restlessness with the routine grind, prompting a desire to contribute to society in a more impactful manner.

Joining a volunteer group became the catalyst for change. Beyond merely offering assistance, I eagerly embraced the opportunity to enroll in their basic photography course, driven by the prospect of capturing the essence of volunteer events for their newsletter. This decision marked the beginning of an immersive journey into the world of photography—immersing myself in camera operation, delving into the intricacies of film development, and spending countless hours perfecting the art of darkroom printing.

Embracing the notion that life is an ongoing voyage of discovery, photography emerged as my chosen vessel for exploration and growth. Each new photographic assignment, particularly those that pushed the boundaries of my comfort zone, reignited my passion and spurred me to delve deeper into the subject matter through meticulous research. While technical proficiency in wielding the camera is indispensable, it is the profound connection with my subjects that imbues my photographs with authenticity and resonance.

My approach to photography is characterized by versatility and adaptability. From capturing the magic of weddings and the energy of events to freezing the fleeting moments of concerts, dances, architectural marvels, and natural landscapes, I thrive on exploring a diverse array of genres. Fueled by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a relentless pursuit of new challenges, my passion for photography remains as fervent and unwavering as ever.

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” ~ Albert Einstein